A powerful session for property owners & buyers!
You are invited to our Beautique Realty hosted Event in Augustine heights in 2 weeks.
Learn how to fund, choose and manage the greatest asset you'll buy in your lifetime.
Register here : www.capitalproperties.com.au/Beautique-Realty-Event-Brisbane
Hear from our Property Investor Finance specialist and learn how to get ready to gain finance to purchase an investment property or how to review your current situation to get into your next investment property.
Getting started with property home loans.
First home buyer tips for mortgages structures
interest only vs principal and interest.
Find out what the banks are looking [Banking Policies].
Learn how to fund a multiple property portfolio.
Looking to refinance your mortgage?
Asset Management
Owning an asset is one thing, keeping the rents coming in and finding tenants who look after your asset is mostly what keeps it under control.
Speaker: Beau Miller | Beautique Realty
Learn how to:
Appoint an expert property manager
Find and retain good tenants
Know your rights and your tenants' rights
Property Investment
Make your Job Fund the Lifestyle you want to enjoy!
Hear a wealth creation story from someone who built a multi million dollar portfolio from his day job.
Learn about the power of goal setting also basic cash flow principals and a selection criteria.
Learn from experienced investors in a round table setting.
The key piece is Question and Answer session after the 40 minute presentation - Attendees tell us this is awesome, because you get to have all your questions answered.
It is important to RSVP on Facebook or pop your details into the form and we'll confirm your attendance.
Free Gift - Property Investment Cash Flow Analysis - Spreadsheet once you sign up for the event! And receive a free copy of Property Investment SOP on attendance which retails for $31.04.
Time: 1830 (6:30pm)
Date: Thursday the 16th of May 2019
It is super import to register
Register here: www.capitalproperties.com.au/Beautique-Realty-Event-Brisbane
In preparation for the event think about the type of questions you would like to ask and things you are needing to know.
Post them here on the facebook event page or email us some topics and we'll cater the presentation to give you the most from attending - info@capitalproperties.com.au